Well, that was uninspiring. It's safe to say this was a pretty uninspiring Super Bowl, compared to recent offerings. We could go on and on about the mistakes both teams made (there were plenty) and the horrible officiating (it seemed like they really wanted Pittsburgh to win) and go on to the important stuff.
The commercials: Overall weren't that great. My vote goes to the "Magic Fridge" with honorable mentions to the Fed Ex Caveman, the "You were open and now you're CLOSED!!" ad, and the young Clydesdale horse ad, which was surprisingly heartwarming.
How much of an asshole Joe Montana is. For those that tuned in late, part of the pregame ceremony included bringing back all the previous Super Bowl MVP's. This included three of the greatest men ever, John Riggins, Doug Williams and Mark Rypien, as well as other heroes of the past. Notably absent were Terry Bradshaw and Joe Montana.
Terry Bradshaw has a longstanding dispute with the people of Pittsburgh, and felt it would be too stressful for him to attend, given that this was basically a Steelers home game. I can handle that.
Joe Montana wanted the NFL to guarantee him a minimum $100,000 appearance fee, and refused to show up when the guarantee didn't happen. Are you kidding me? Listen asshole, your reputation is forged from three things...Super Bowl performances, Regular season performances, and the NFL in general, with an honorable mention to Taylor and Rice. You have millions of dollars, and you're going to pull this shit. Well to hell with you Montana, I hope your reputation gets stained beyond repair.
Lastly...trash talk. There were two people prominently involved this week...Joey Porter and Jerramy Stevens. You could say Porter twice and still be correct, but for the sake of argument, let's use both names. Stevens didn't say much, but lived up to his label of being soft. He should be cut this offseason. The only moral to come out of this was that no one should have been interviewing Jerramy Stevens in the first place. He's not good enough, he doesn't deserve it.
Porter ran his mouth all week and got absolutely owned by Walter Jones all game. I didn't hear Porter's name mentioned once all game, until that horse collar on Shaun Alexander, which should have been called. I'm sure we all know the moral here.
Regardless the right team won, the better team won, and I have to go three months now before I get my fix in April, watching the entire NFL draft.